Lenten almsgiving: No-cost good deeds, donations, ROAK, volunteer work for children
Catholics around the world enter into the penitential season of Lent on Ash Wednesday. In 2016, Ash Wednesday will be on Feb. 10. Starting after Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday), until Easter, Catholics practice Lenten virtues of prayer, fasting and almsgiving (charitable giving) Catholics "give up things" in sacrifice for others and in imitation of Jesus's temptation in the desert. So abstaining--got it. But what about almsgiving if you're poor yourself? What about kids who typically don't have much money? Can they practice Lent sacrifice? Yes, because almsgiving doesn't have to involve donations of money. You can make donations of time and talent as well as treasure. Here are no-cost good deeds, ROAK (Random Acts of Kindness) and volunteer work for kids. Use this Lenten calendar of no-cost good deeds, one for every day of Lent. Lenten almsgiving: No-cost good deeds, donations, ROAK, volunteer work for kids | Examiner.com