Teen babysitters: Safety checklist, parent support tips for babysitting kids | Examiner.com
Babysitting is a common after-school job for teenagers. Most all teen girls and some tweens (preteens ages 10-13) have worked as caregivers and babysitters. Babysitting outside the home is less common among teen boys, but many babysit their younger siblings. Babysitting can be good income for teens, but there are dangers, too. Clearly, parents of children in care have responsibilities to babysitting teens. But so do the parents of babysitting teens. Here is a safety checklist of with parent responsibilities and support tips for caregiving teens. Many schools offer classes in babysitting. These tips come from a babysitting class this author compiled and taught. Teen babysitters: Safety checklist, parent support tips for babysitting kids | Examiner.com