Free printable pop-up crafts, kirigami, cut paper designs from Robert Sabuda
Pop-ups on a computer are pretty annoying but in the world of art, pop-ups are magical. Pop-up crafts are 3D designs, usually of made of cut paper, that "pop" when you open or unfold them. In Japan, cut paper crafts are called kirigami (similar to origami). Kids love pop-up books with interactive details and they love to make their own pop-up books. Robert Sabuda is a children's illustrator who specializes in mosaics and pop-up books. Sabuda has designed beautiful 3D pop-up crafts and made his patterns available in free printable format. There are tutorials for pop-up cards. Sabuda has put links to free printable pop-up crafts for holiday craft and cut and paste kirigami. These could be used for scrapbooks and art projects for children. Free printable pop-up crafts, kirigami, cut paper designs from Robert Sabuda |