Sleepy students push later school start times: Why kids are sleep-deprived and how to help kids rest
The zombies are out and not for Halloween. More"zombie" kids are showing up to school exhausted and sleep-deprived. Sleepy students are unprepared. unreceptive and uncooperative. But it's more a sleep issue than a behavioral one. And more sleepy students and tired teens mean more schools are starting later, reported Current on Oct. 15. Here's why kids don't get enough sleep. why they should sleep more, how they can and what will happen if they don't. How much is sleep should kids get? Scientists don't always agree on the amount, but they do concur that whatever it is, most kids aren't getting enough. Many kids don't even get 7 hours of sleep a night. Health experts say pre-teens should get at least 10 hours of sleep a night and teenagers should get 9-10 hours of sleep. So many adolescents are getting 30 percent less than they should. Sleepy students push later school start times: Why kids are sleep-deprived |